Typography + LED Hoop Experiments

The Fair of Situations
Performance during a workshop with The Rodina in which the audience was invited to copy my body's every movement while hooping and performing tricks to music.

Flow Book

Donnelly Rapp Workshop Publication
Prompt: Your work so far uses a physical hoop to design, or images of a hoop—can you explain hooping without using the hoop itself? —Kimmy Tsai

Hoop Animations

Button-Pusher for Travel Hoops
Prompt: What are all the things that annoy me about my hoop?

Creative Coding Exploration of Flow
This piece is coded in Processing, and it uses a Pixy2 PixyCam connected to an Arduino Uno. Song in video: Moments by Kyle Watson—I received written permission from the artist to use this song for this context.

Sensory Hoops
How is hoop flow disrupted or complemented when the hoop is wrapped in something other than tape?

Typography + Hoop Performance Design
Work created and captured during weekly flow sessions with an LED hoop in room 413, the Brickbauer Gallery, and Falvey Hall in MICA's Brown Center.

What does blackletter typography look like on an LED hoop? Sans serif? Slab serif? . . . What about one letter, or one word, or one paragraph?

Excerpt from Final Exhibition Video
2 x 2 grid scenes reveal the image uploaded to the hoop, the maneuver of the hoop, a motion capture, and a still image—to show the mastery of this technique and teach the audience. There are five levels of information throughout the video (the above mentioned, plus captions to explain flow and the thesis concept.)

Final Exhibition Installation

Full-size hoops displayed in an elevated manner, white-on-white, were intended to build a connection to my process and show the more serious side of my thesis.

Discussion + Critique
Sunday, April 7, 2019—with guest designer + critic, Silas Munro.